About the project

Habuba Kabira is situated in modern Syria and covers an area of about 600 x 170m. The trading post of the Uruk Period lasted for about 100 years and is now flooded by the Assad dam. Building H is situated in Area 3 in the northeastern corner of the city. It covers an area of about 500m² and is therefore one of the largest buildings in Habuba Kabira. The building is dated into the second half of the fourth millennium BCE.

Building H consists of several rooms arranged around a central court. On its eastern side, a whole Middle Hall building is attached and part of the complete layout. South to the building, a street was discovered.

The reconstruction is based solely on the preliminary reports by E. Strommenger and D.R. Frank and is therefore only a preliminary result. The final publication of the architecture in Habuba Kabira is currently under way and will be published by Kay Kohlmeyer. After the publication, the model of Building H will be revised and modified. A comparison between the model of the final publication and the model of the preliminary publication will then be discussed.


  • Frank, D.R./Ludwig, W. 1973: Ḥabuba Kabira zur Zeit der frühen Schriftkulturen. Architektur, in: Heinrich, E. et al. (Hrsg.) Vierter vorläufiger Bericht über die von der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft mit Mitteln der Stiftung Volkswagenwerk in Ḥabuba Kabira und in Mumbaqat unternommenen archäologischen Untersuchungen, MDOG 105, 11-20.
  • Frank, D.R. 1975: Versuch zur Rekonstruktion von Bauregeln und Maßordnung einer nordsyrischen Stadt des vierten Jahrtausends – Untersucht anhand von Grabungsergebnissen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Ḥabūba Kabīra – Ernst Heinrich zum 75. Geburtstag, in: MDOG 107, 7-16.
  • Strommenger, E. 1980: Habuba Kabira. Eine Stadt vor 5000 Jahren, Mainz am Rhein.